Course preview!
There will be mud. Bring extra socks.
Check out the Winter Challenge bike course in just 16 minutes, thanks to Sir John Stachlewicz of Sufferlandria! (and relive the temptations of those Couchlandrian Lotus Eaters at 10:10) Thanks John!
Check out this sweet video featuring footage from each leg of the course to get an idea what you're up against! Special thanks to multiple-year Winter Challenger, sponsor and great friend of the race, Lee Hollingsworth for hooking up the sweet video!
“More than flat land racing. It’s beautiful. All kinds of different terrain… mud, swamp, single track. A lot of fun. And it’ll beat you up.”
- Dwight Shuler, 5-time Winter Challenger
- Dwight Shuler, 5-time Winter Challenger
Winter Challenge Triathlon Course
Individual and Relay
Part I: Trail Run The Race begins with the 7 mile run course. It takes place on six to ten foot wide hard-packed farm roads and single track woodland trails that will keep participants surrounded by woods and lake view. The course is mostly level terrain with a few rolling hills. Part II: Paddle The 6 mile paddle course takes place on a 75-acre still water lake. The lake is approximately half open water and half flooded cypress. New for 2022: Due to increased vegetation towards the head of the pond, the kayak course will consist of 4 x 1.5 mile laps. The path requires no portage but paddlers may encounter the possibility of minor obstacles through portions of the course. This is a beautiful “Edisto” setting, haven to a wide variety of waterfowl including duck, heron, geese and osprey. Might even get to spot our pair of Bald Eagles. Kayaks of all types will be permitted. Canoes will also be allowed. Fixed rudder boats are not recommended. Stand Up Paddleboards are not permitted. Part III: Bike Course Participants finish the race on a challenging 10 mile mountain bike course. The trail varies in width from 3 to 8 feet wide featuring both double and single track. The trail is built to accommodate riders of all levels, but offers technical challenges for those with advanced skills. There are, for instance several natural obstacles which may be either ridden or bypassed at the cost of a few second’s time. |
Duathlon Course - Run Course Extended to a Full 7 Miles!
Part I: Trail Run
The Duathlon begins with a 2.25-mile run course, taking place on six to ten foot wide hard-packed farm roads and single track woodland trails that will keep participants surrounded by woods and lake view. The course is mostly level terrain with a few rolling hills.
Part II: Bike Course
Duathlon Challengers will tackle the full 10-mile Winter Challenge mountain bike course. The trail varies in width from 3 to 8 feet wide featuring both double and single track. The trail is built to accommodate riders of all levels, but offers a variety technical challenges for those with advanced skills. There are, for instance several natural obstacles which may be either ridden or bypassed at the cost of a few second’s time.
Part III: Another Trail Run
The Duathlon finishes with a 4.75-mile run, covering the same trails as the triathlon run course. As with the first leg, this part of the course is mostly level terrain with a few rolling hills. Serious mud though.
The Duathlon begins with a 2.25-mile run course, taking place on six to ten foot wide hard-packed farm roads and single track woodland trails that will keep participants surrounded by woods and lake view. The course is mostly level terrain with a few rolling hills.
Part II: Bike Course
Duathlon Challengers will tackle the full 10-mile Winter Challenge mountain bike course. The trail varies in width from 3 to 8 feet wide featuring both double and single track. The trail is built to accommodate riders of all levels, but offers a variety technical challenges for those with advanced skills. There are, for instance several natural obstacles which may be either ridden or bypassed at the cost of a few second’s time.
Part III: Another Trail Run
The Duathlon finishes with a 4.75-mile run, covering the same trails as the triathlon run course. As with the first leg, this part of the course is mostly level terrain with a few rolling hills. Serious mud though.
Transition Area - All Participants
Triathlon and Duathlon participants will share a single Transition Area, which will be located at "race headquarters," just next to the main cabins.
Course Maps